
The mission of the Knights of Columbus is to provide members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities’ familes and young people.

The Knights of Columbus has numerous volunteer service programs that will let you help us share the Experience…

In Service to the Church
Knights are the ‘strong right arm’ of their local parishes.  They help with tasks and special projects that require both the financial and manpower based resources that the Knights can provide.

In Serving the Community
Knights sponsor “Blue Masses” to pray for and show support for their local police, fire and emergency personnel.  They also sponsor and support food drives and fund drives to raise money for charity.

For the Good of the Council
Councils hold activities that foster fraternal bonds between members, allow for networking opportunities and building leadership skills in members that lead to professional success.  Council service programs are designed on a council to council basis to conduct projects that suit both the needs of the community and the interest of the membership.

For the Family
Councils sponsor social functions that are open to members and their families.  Councils conduct several events every year ranging from family outings  and holiday parties to barbecues.

You can Join the Knighlts of Columbus online by following this link: